National Search & Rescue Association, Inc.

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Membership renewals were due on February 15th.


 Units that need to renew must send their $7.50 per member renewal fee along with a membership roster to Treasurer


 John Eggett at 1681 E. 1000 So., Bountiful, UT 84010


 Their late membership roster information will not make it into the annual roster but will be published  in the National paper.

The following form is to be filled out for each unit and member at large. It must be filled out completely and correctly in order for each member to receive his/her monthly newspaper and yearly roster. Please adhere to the following guidelines for filling out this form, then submit the form to


Begin by initially printing a copy of these instructions, then follow the instructions carefully.
1. Copy the roster form that is within the blue box and paste it into a blank Excel file or other type of spreadsheet file.
2. Fill in unit information only in underlined columns/fields.
3. List any special skills that your unit possesses in Special Unit Skills section (i.e. search dogs, high angle rescue, desert rescue, avalanche, GPS, etc.).
4. List all members in order of call number. This will allow each unit to update their roster each year with minimal changes and therefore smaller chance for error.
5. List current office held (i.e. Commander, 1st Vice, etc).
6. List name as you wish it to appear in the roster.
7. You must enter a mailing address if you wish to receive a roster and a newspaper. You may leave this column blank if you wish, but you will not receive any National Search and Rescue Association Mailings.
8. City, State, and Zip must be entered for each member even if it is the same throughout the unit. (Just cut and paste it!)
9. Please list only one phone number by which you wish to be reached, including area code.
10. Email addresses may or may not be listed in the unit section of the roster dependent upon how much space is available on the page. There will be a separate section at the back of the roster where all available email addresses will be listed.
11. Email completed form in Excel format to and send dues payment to the national treasurer for inclusion in the 2005 roster.


Add "form in the blue box"  so units can renew online